
A sandbox document showcasing the bulma css framework. Icons used in this document originate from the font-awesome library.


All headings have the same size with Bulma. Use classes like title or subtitle to influence the font and size. Use classes like is-1, is-2 to influence the size only.

Hello World

Hello World

Hello World

Hello World

Hello World
Hello World


Default-Paddings get removed by Bulma. Add classes like content to change that. You can use classes like is-small, is-large etc. as well. If ou don't use a class you get a 'normal' sized font.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Delectus, eaque!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Delectus, eaque!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Delectus, eaque!



Classes wich can be used are among others is-white, is-dark, is-link, etc.


Here instead of a Button-Element an anchor-Element is used. To set the type of a button, there classes like is-primary, is-info, etc.


The size of a button can be changed with classes like is-small, is-large.

Other button styles

is-oultined and is-inverted is used here.

Button states

is-hovered and is-focused are some of the states used here. The state disabled is special insofar it does not start with 'is'. The loading button does not display its text.



A box is basically a container with some additional styling attributes. For example a radius and a shadow.

Hello Box

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi ipsam rem enim.


A notifcation has the purpose of alerting the user to something. You can add a button to it, in this example a delete button was added which adds a little delete button to the top-right of the notification box. The notifications can be styled with is-warning, etc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi ipsam rem enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quasi ipsam rem enim.


A tag is a tag-label. It has some default styling but can be customized in various ways.

Normal is-black is rounded is-light is-primary is large with delete button


To emphasize the message class can be used. there are related classes like message-header and message-body which can be used to structure the message.

About Us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolorem nobis eum nemo reiciendis, fuga fugit. Hic quasi maiores recusandae.


This is a how a navigation bar with bulma can look like. To toggle the hamburger there is seom javascript necessary. At the moment the only breakpoint for the hamburger to appear/disappear looks to be at 1024px, which is a let down.


A side menu with nested links. These are probably not really usable for any mobile app.


A hero is kind of a large web banner. It often contains an image and text that should be the main focus of a page, section, etc.

Hero Title

Hero Subtitle

Hero Title

Hero Subtitle


A card is someting like a panel. It consists of a header, some content and a footer.

Some card title.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Odit quas eum magnam! Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque, quasi! Aliquam ratione magnam velit cumque quo libero iure totam cupiditate exercitationem earum.


Pagination to navigate through loads of content


A multipurpose horizontal level. Can be used vor all kind of things.


A very simple form.


Attach controls with the field tag.


Classes used here to customize the tables are: is-narowis-selected is-stripedis-bordered.

Name Email Phone
Bunk bunk bunk@gmail.com 555-Bunk
Freeman Freeman Freeman.Freeman@gmail.com 555-Freeman
Kima Kima Kima@gmail.com 555-Kima-877
Name Email Phone
Bunk bunk bunk@gmail.com 555-Bunk
Freeman Freeman Freeman.Freeman@gmail.com 555-Freeman
Kima Kima Kima@gmail.com 555-Kima-877


The bulma grid system. There are 12 columns. Classes which can be used are is-2, is-3, etc. or is-half, is-third, etc.

First Column is-2

Second Column is-4

Third Column is-3

Fourth Column is-3

First Column is-half

Second Column

Third Column

Fourth Column